Growth Sector seeks to develop pathways to economic self-sufficiency extending from community college to high-paying careers in STEM. Earn While You Learn!

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The Challenges:

Economic Challenges

High paying jobs, especially in STEM fields require a B.S. degree.
Employers increasingly are seeking prior related work, internship, or research experience.

Student Challenges

Unaware of the possibilities and opportunities that exist within STEM fields.
No clear, supported pathway for most students from entry to community college to STEM degree.
Need for financial support to stay in school.

Growth Sector’s Strategic Response

Growth Sector’s Engineering Degree Apprenticeship Pathway

The STEM Core Pathway combines academic learning leading to a B.S. degree with paid research and work experience.
This multi-year, year-round initiative seeks to open engineering opportunities to more and more diverse community college students.

Step 1 - Summer

(year 1)

  • Participate in STEM Core Summer Bridge
  • $1,500-$2,000 stipend

Step 3

(year 2)

  • University Research Internship/Paid employer internships
  • $6,400-$8,000 in wages
  • Employer driven research internships at four year universities
  • Industry internships with partner employers such as National Labs, Lockheed Martin, Caltrans and others

Step 5

(year 3-5)

  • Transfer and part time industry work until BS degree graduation
  • Earn up to $22,000 per year
  • Continue apprenticeship, working part-time during academic year and full-time during summer
  • Continue receiving academic support


  • Engineering careers
  • Average starting wage: $100-150,000/yr and above

Step 2

(year 1)

STEM Core Coursework (Math, Engineering) at your community college

Step 4

(year 2)

  • Continue transfer coursework + begin apprenticeship
  • Part-time wages up to $20,000/yr

Step 6

(year 3-5)

  • Graduate with BS and transition to full time industry work
  • Starting wage of $70-90,000/yr
  • Career wages of $100-150,000/yr and above

Step 1 - Summer

(year 1)

  • Participate in STEM Core Summer Bridge
  • $1,500-$2,000 stipend

Step 2

(year 1)

STEM Core Coursework (Math, Engineering) at your community college

Step 3

(year 2)

  • University Research Internship/Paid employer internships
  • $6,400-$8,000 in wages
  • Employer driven research internships at four year universities
  • Industry internships with partner employers such as National Labs, Lockheed Martin, Caltrans and others

Step 4

(year 2)

  • Continue transfer coursework + begin apprenticeship
  • Part-time wages up to $20,000/yr

Step 5

(year 3-5)

  • Transfer and part time industry work until BS degree graduation
  • Earn up to $22,000 per year
  • Continue apprenticeship, working part-time during academic year and full-time during summer
  • Continue receiving academic support

Step 6

(year 3-5)

  • Graduate with BS and transition to full time industry work
  • Starting wage of $70-90,000/yr
  • Career wages of $100-150,000/yr and above


  • Engineering careers
  • Average starting wage: $100-150,000/yr and above

Why Is It Innovative?

The degree apprenticeship pathway overcomes barriers to community college students seeking and succeeding in STEM careers by providing:
• A clearly defined and supported pathway beginning prior to community college enrollment and leading to transfer, a B.S. degree, and engineering career.
• Applied STEM skills, experience, networks, and confidence through integrated paid research and internships.
• Financial resources–$80-100K earned throughout student pathway to support pursuit of a B.S. degree.

Our Partners

A Professor's Perspective

"STEM Core means showing students that everyone is GREAT at math and just because you have a developmental mathematics requirement does NOT mean that you can't achieve your dream of a career in STEM."

Read the Story

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