Partner Community: Miami, FL

Motiv8 Episode 4: Can We Bridge Our Way to STEM Success?

21 STEM Core Summer Bridge programs took place on campuses across the country on STEM Core campuses. Hear from a few of our Summer Bridge participants (plus faculty) as they share how the experience affected their perspectives at STEM students!

Student Spotlight: Patricia

From ELAC to Caltrans! Learning alongside the Geospatial team, she is pioneering the way in the surveying division for other working moms!

Intern Spotlight: Jace Monti from Marin College

Read about his time spent at Lawrence Livermore and how it had a positive impact on his growth!

Motiv8 Episode 3: Who Runs the World? Interns! Is now LIVE!

160 STEM Core interns are changing the face of the STEM Industry! Hear all about it on Episode 3 of our podcast!

Check out our Summer 2023 Intern Spotlight from Laney College, Dina Khatri!

Learn about her experience at Caltrans!

Cisco’s Summer Bridge Partnership with San Jose City College is a success!

Read about how Cisco sponsored, planned and implemented hands-on projects for both San Jose City College and Evergreen Valley College STEM Core Bridge Programs!

Motiv8 Episode 2: OMG, Are We Making Math Fun?? Is now LIVE!

Didn’t know we had a STEM Core Podcast? We do Now! On each episode we will be talking to STEM Core partners, employers, students and faculty that will share an inside look into the STEM Field. Guest will be sharing insight, tips and more importantly how we can all stay Motiv8-ED as we work to change the world of STEM!

STEM Core/STEP2NLS partner Tandeka Boko leads Research at Berkeley Lab (LBNL)

Learn about the amazing work getting done from Forsyth to the Berkeley Lab!

Fall Semester SSS Coffee Breaks

Calling all Support Specialists, We're back this fall with scheduled Coffee Breaks virtually, Please save the 3 dates!

Jose's intern experience at California State University, Los Angeles SMART Program

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